
Hi, I'm Khalil Hamdi, and I'm extremely enthusiastic about pursuing a career in Data/Business Analysis. I possess a solid academic & professional background, supported by a Bachelor's Degree in Business Intelligence and a working experience as an Operations Team Lead. I also offer a wide variety of skills.
This website serves to highlight exactly that; My skills and what I have to offer. Down below is a small collection of my projects, make sure to have a look.
Thank you for visiting!


SQL project: Data Exploration

In this Project, we use SQL to explore Covid-19 Data in different ways.

SQL Project: Data Cleaning

In this Project, we manipulate Housing Data using SQL, making it cleaner, more coherent, and ready to be used for other purposes.

Excel Project: Data Exploration, Data Cleaning & Visualization

In this Project, we explore Bikes Sales data using Excel, cleaning data and providing useful insight through dashboarding.

Tableau Project: Dashboard

In this Project, we explore AirBnB related Data and build a Dashboard that helps investment decisions.

PowerBI Project: Data Cleaning, Data Modeling & Dashboarding

In this Project, we clean Banking data for Loans and Deposits across different areas and throughout different periods. We also model data and create a dashboard to help monitor loans & deposits on a regular basis.

Get In Touch

If you are interested in my profile, please feel free to reach out via the details provided below.